New page

Just a short message to announce that I added a new page to the website. Which is basically a word play image of how we pronounce “Mario Bros” in Quebec.

I also noticed that it has been more than a whole year since I last posted something here, so I will try to come back more often in the coming weeks and months.

New kind of article

I decided to start a series of articles that I will call “*something* is awesome”. The focus of the series will be on open source software and other free tools that we can get from the internet.

These articles will not be tutorials, but rather a small description of the features that make them interesting tools to use. My intention with this is to make people aware of the fact that most commercial software can be replaced by community made software of equal or better quality. So that we can free ourselves a little more from the corporate greed.

Coming soon

I will be slowly reuploading my old stuff in the coming days/weeks/months, so the website should grow gradually to what it used to be. The website layout and colors will also be reworked, this form is just a temporary one.

When I will be finished putting in the old stuff, I will start making new content and upload it here. This website will act as a central point for everything I do, which means that The KrocK’s Blog (the one hosted on and the old one that used to be here), KromycKs and my future projects will all be listed here.