Solve simple problems

Here is a simple trick to get things done: Solve simple problems.

What does it mean concretely?

It means that it is easier to complete 100 small tasks rather than a single big task. If we were to build a house, a single big task would be to “build the house”. It can seem pretty daunting, but if we divide the task into many smaller tasks: Build the foundation, build the walls, build the roof, install windows and doors, do the plumbing, do the electricity, etc. It already feels more manageable. In some cases, some tasks can also be made simpler, installing the electric wiring is still a big task in itself, so it could be divided in smaller tasks, like linking the control panel to the actual power source, then wiring each individual room.

The problem with “building a house” as a task, is that it is a big black box, it doesn’t tell us what we need to achieve in order to build a house, it only tells us the end result. How can I start working on a project, if I don’t know where to start, and what to do? This is precisely what this decomposition is about, it forces us to think about the project, and define what it entails to. Having a task such as “install a window” already seems like something more manageable and easier to get into than “building a whole house”. It is easier to conceive, to plan and to execute, while also making possible the estimation of costs and time required.

So, the first thing to do once we are ready to start a new project, is to decompose it into smaller projects/tasks that are manageable individually. It forces us to get more intimate with the project by defining the actions that are to be taken in order to advance. This is also a way to trick our brain into getting a clearer vision of the amount of work and thus making the project seem less like a mountain. It will also help being more productive, because we will have a clear path to follow.

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